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Our Mission

"You're worth it."

10-10 Defense was born over 10 years ago based on the core belief that as a human being you possess a high level of inherent worth valuable enough to protect. It drives our mission every day to help women of all ages understand their God-given worth and train them to flee if possible, fight if necessary.


Our Story

​Having firsthand experience with assault victims during my time as a police officer, I know the emotional toll it can take on a woman and the long-term scars a personal altercation can leave behind. It is my focused intent to prevent this from happening to as many people as possible by offering self-defense and gun safety courses for women. When 10-10 Defense was established, I knew I wanted my company name and logo to tell a story and blend the elements of my life that are important to me, as well as you, my customer. That's why my company name and logo reflect the radio police code for a fight in progress--"10-10"--which is also represented by two X's symbolizing the female chromosomes. I wanted it to reflect strength with femininity.


I realize it takes courage, time and effort to register and participate in one of our courses, but I promise you will walk away more confident, accomplished and aware once you have experienced these techniques. I invite you to invest in yourself and become part of our story at 10-10 Defense.


Kristi Wuensche

Owner & Lead Instructor

Taser Energy Weapons Instructor Certification
ASP Trainer Certification
Basic SWAT Certification
Jay Fox


Kristi is the owner of 10-10 Defense and the lead instructor. She is also a police officer, tactical trainer, first-degree black belt and a firearms instructor.


Kristi provides a realistic perspective on the environment we live in, showing you potential dangers and preparing you for life experiences you may or may not have encountered yet. Her goal is to help you prepare to defend yourself against both known and unknown assailants in order to prevent potential or additional trauma and become who you are destined to be.


Stemming from her own personal journey, Kristi is passionate about individuals understanding their God-given worth and training them to defend it.


Jay began his studies in martial arts in 1993 after graduating from college. Under the instruction of multiple teachers, he has learned the following methods of self-defense: Aikido, Jujitsu, Wing Chun Kung Fu, American Kickboxing, Arnis de Mano/Escrima and Eight Directions Kempo. He has also earned a black belt in Krav Maga tactics.


Jay is an engineer and has two daughters. This motivates him to teach other women self-defense techniques to operate more safely in the world.


​Every session Jay brings a firm, but kind and teachable spirit that enhances the learning experience.


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